Sunday, September 20, 2009

response 3 _ Praxis

Reprogramming_ Adaptive Re-use:

"Form follows Function" [106]

The article by McMorrough, "Notes on the Adaptive Re-use of Program" was a solid read that gives the reader both sides of the fence; the concrete architectural principle of form follows function as well as the concerns with programmatic failure. Either side that an architecture chooses to perceive the idea of program as, doesn't really matter because like it or not, first part of the process or second, it one if not the largest aspect of a project and has to be addressed. What I found most intriguing about the article was McMorrough's contemplation of adaptive re-use; "how the notion of program's instrumentality is used and re-used, affirmed and rejected, through a series of containment strategies by which architecture delineates itself." [107] To further agree with him on the main goal when starting with a programmatic process is that a clear relationship between the programmatic source is directly manifested on the form of the building, and thus the difficulty that programmatic failure presents won't be an issue.

Just a side note, in case anyone from the "place" side of things is reading this, the program exercises at the end of this reading are quite simple, however I think they can be wonderful resources for future processes, I would take a look if I were you.

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